Larry Lootsteen, Conestogo, Ontario, Canada
In line at the show
Wondering what they'll play
Will it be my all-time favourite?
Or my favourite of the day?
Will they reach out a hand
To me way in the back?
Will he look right at me
On a laser-like track?
I know we'll dance
Like there's no tomorrow
And we'll sing out out hearts
With joy and sorrow
And Bono will know
That I'm there I'm sure
He'll have read my letter
Every single word
And Edge will play
A solo just for me
Jarring, jangling chords
Like I'm the only one he can see
Adam and Larry
Will exchange that look
A smile and a wink
Up to my little nook
We all feel that way
At a U2 show
A community of thousands
With a personal glow
And we know how we feel
Is something we share
And that personal touch
So lovely and rare