Is 'Madness' Muse's 'One'?

The official video for the first single from The 2nd Law, directed by Anthony Mandler. Pre-order The 2nd Law and get two exclusive free videos here:

Larry Lootsteen - Conestogo, Ontario, Canada​

There have been a lot of bands touted as 'The Next U2' over the years. Coldplay is one example. And they are a unique brand unto themselves. There will never be another U2, another Beatles, another Elvis. Any band that will be huge will have to stand on their own merits. Otherwise they will just be pretenders to the throne. The Killers are a prime example of falling into the 'glory trap' and failing to stay true. Thankfully the new album appears to show them back on track.

A different story is trying to define 'moments'. One was a moment for U2. A reinvention and a recognition of the talent and the heart of a band. And it seems to define an important moment in history for the band. We don't hear songs like that very often.

I'll be surprised if you haven't heard this song. Muse indicated they felt U2 was an influence on the new album and you can certainly hear it here. And for me at least, the more I listen to the track, the more it binds into me. This doesn't sound like U2 in particular. But there are moments that I cannot help but speak directly to my own U2 experiences. That soaring vocal deep into the song just grabs me. And it doesn't grab me the same way One did back in that time. But it does pose an interesting question.

Is, or could, this song be Muse's One?

Might seem a strange question but let's consider a few things. Achtung Baby came out well into U2's career and after much and astonishingly huge success. Muse has been on that same trajectory for years now.

They had huge success with The Resistance album and it was number one almost everywhere. Much like Joshua Tree. It is too early to tell if The 2nd Law, which is about to be fully released will be as big but there's little reason to doubt it.

Madness is a song that I believe could have staying power. Whether it has the legs to ingrain itself into the cultural psyche the way One did will be known in time. All I know is this song is already burrowing its way into me and I feel like it could do the same to everyone.

The other and potentially most interesting aspect of this song is that it could, like One, be widely interpreted as a love song though it is more a question of trying to understand whether what the couple is feeling is real or just crazy. Can't see this being a wedding song but then you could say the same about One. I would love to see an example of a couple having their first dance called Madness!

One love or our love is madness?

Music video by U2 performing One - Anton Corbjin Version. (C) 1992 Universal-Island Records Ltd. under exclusive licence to Mercury Records Limited

Just Waiting for U2 are U ?

Larry Lootsteen -

Conestogo, Ontario, Canada​

In the inevitable long drag between the end of the tour and the release of new material, how do you handle the lull?  Do you immerse yourself in the recent releases?  Do you do a complete history of U2 releases from Boy through No Line On The Horizon?  Do you relive the tour through videos or bootlegs?​

It can be a strange time in the two(ish) years between (four years if we are talking album to album)​.  Most U2 lists/blogs/sites are pretty quiet, waiting for tidbits, gossip and sightings.  It's a time I generally refer to as DULL.

This time I found myself in a different spot.  I had blogged every damn show for the entire 360 Tour.  I had posted set-lists, often live and then built a show page of fan videos from the show the next day (oh internet how I love your tubes!)​.  So by the time I had been lucky enough to see them in Toronto and the band went on to the final shows of the tour, I found myself burnt out.

Instead of listening or watching videos, I found myself walking away for a very long time.  I literally did not listen to any U2 for months.  I've had very few moments in life where I went that long without playing something.  And usually those times were a question of where I was in life.​

What was really odd was throwing a cd on for the first time in months and falling in love with No Line all over again.  Now I still don't think of it as their best work.  Just really interesting and really different.  But that period of nothing really led me to a return that was really good for me.​

So I'm curious.  Anyone else been away and come back to the band?  I would love to hear your story.  Or what you do with your U2 wait down times.  Where do you go in the catalog?  Inquiring fans want to know!​

New Album, New Tour

Larry Lootsteen, Conestogo, Ontario, Canada​

As I had previously predicted , it does appear U2 are headed for a 2013 release and assumed tour to follow.

Check out the following article from Gigwise - AF, U2, Metallica confirm 2013 releases 

Of course there is nothing on any official U2 site saying this. I truly hate that is the LAST place to get U2 news.

Assuming that is all true, the question becomes whether for U2 this is beginning of the end or the end of yet another beginning. There is no doubt that any tour will be a massive sellout. The question is whether this release and the associated production will have any real meaning.

The endless blathering from Bono on 'dance' tracks or 'club' hits always gets me worried. I trust they will keep their souls here. New blood and new ideas are always welcome. The question is whether the DNA gets destroyed in the process. I thought it was a huge error trying to go old-school with Rick Rubin. I have to wonder if Danger Mouse is going to be a plus. I hope so. Time will tell. You can start holding your breath. I am here breathing deeply with nary an expectation on when!

​There are endless possibilities for what the tour might be but I am expecting an arena tour and I expect they will bring the concept of the claw indoors.  Everything either up or out and just the band on stage.  My hope as well would be a much more flexible setlist.  I would love something other than the precision staging that has been the hallmark of the band for a decade or more.

Stripped down, clean lines and a band playing and havng fun.  This is where I think the Danger Mouse influence might be a serious plus.  Sure, there'll be ballads.  Absolutely there will be classics.  But if we can bring some seriously fun, driving tracks to the release, imagine what that could mean tour-wise!​

And here's something I have believed for quite awhile and some conversations with a couple of people who know the industry have agreed with completely.  I believe the album is done.  They might be tweaking but I do think the damn thing is ready.​

Why?  Because they are on full-on vacation and family time mode.  Now that may not mean much but if they had serious work to do, they'd be at it more.  Everything here tells me the recording is done.  So let me throw myself to the pack here!​

I am terrible at predictions where U2 is concerned.  I think I have a 5% success rate.  If that.  But I like to do it anyway so here goes my prediction for the next U2 album!​

First radio single:​ March 4, 2013

Album Release:​ April 30, 2013

North American Tour Kick-off​: May 27, 2013

Feel free to attack or contribute your thoughts on any or all!!​