September 11, 2001 was a bright, crisp morning in many regions of the United States, which was shattered when the nation was attacked by terrorists. Americans and friends all over the world remember where they were and what they were doing that fateful Tuesday morning, when the first attack commenced with a plane being flown into the World Trade Center in New York. I was awaiting a flight out to Atlanta watching CNN and gathering up my things for a quick trip up to Atlanta, (a runner) and back in time to catch the Janet Jackson show. I watched as the first plane hit, in shock and amazement. The second plane was live on my TV. I could not move, I was glued to the TV and at that second I realized that I needed to call my family. Check in, 10 hours later I heard that everyone was ok. This was my longest day of my life.
On September 11, 2001 at 8:46 a.m. Eastern time, American Airlines Flight 11 was flown into the north tower of the World Trade Center. At first, many believed the event to be an accident, simple pilot error. The news of the crash preempted many regular programs as cameramen and photographers captured flames, billowing smoke, and sadly, bodies of people who plunged to their deaths rather than remaining trapped in the building. As journalists and everyday people continued filming, snapping photos, and watching the skies, another plane, United Airlines Flight 175, was flown into the south tower at 9:02 a.m. America was clearly under attack.
As a New Yorker this day hit home. I watched the events unfold, I made my calls, I cleared my calendar for the next couple of weeks. Knowing that this was different, this was going to change our lives for ever. Funerals seemed to happen as quickly as the whole event did. One, Two, Three times a day for months a head people headed to funerals to lay their heros to rest. As everyone was running away from the building may brave men and women ran towards and never gave up hope that they would find someone, provide some help. Reflecting back I too am changed. I tend to hung my kids a little tighter each day, I tend to say “I love you” to those I do not see as often. I look for the good in people. When you talked to most people they will tell you that Bono and the boys really dod something great for New York even more for America.
Following the September 11 attacks, the new album gained added resonance. In October, U2 performed a series of sold-out shows at Madison Square Garden in New York City. In later interviews, Bono and the Edge called these New York City shows among their most memorable and emotional performance. Super Bowl halftime performance by U2.
On a heart-shaped set wheeled onto the field, the Irish superstars turn in highly emotional performances of “Beautiful Day,” “MLK,” and “Where the Streets Have No Name” while the names of September 11 victims scrolled upward on a gigantic backdrop. SI called it the best half time show ever. Bono called it a show for America. “We love America too”
Here is that video the full performance, no commericals, share it, link it and most of all remember.