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Want 2 Be Apart of the Chorus ?

Looks like Willie wants to see who wants to be a part of the show. You have your chance to be on the big screen. Read the information below, follow the links and good luck - Deadline May 1st


We can't fall any further if,
we can't feel ordinary love.
And we cannot reach any higher,
if we can't deal with ordinary love…'

The chorus to Ordinary Love and one of the songs that might - MIGHT - turn up in the new show.

In fact, the word from Show Director Willie Williams is that there’s an idea to feature you all singing that chorus of the song Ordinary Love in the show, The Joshua Tree Tour 2017.

Singing it in ordinary situations: walking the dog, on the treadmill, at the supermarket, doing the ironing, baking a cake, driving the car, in the shower…

It’s early days and the idea might not make the cut…. but you could make the difference.

Can you see yourself on screen at the show ? In the chorus, backing the band as they play Ordinary Love?

If you can, here’s what you have to do (in a few easy steps) and please get it our way by MAY 1ST.

Reference U2.com - Published4/25/17