Where is U2 with their twitter accounts ( yes I said accounts)

"Be sure to follow @U2_360Tour for updates from the road. . . . and you can follow The Edge @360FromTheEdge"  of if the sun is sunshines to the west then follow this account if it sunshines to the east follow this account. Ok boys we here that try to keep the news current and fresh have come to notice two accounts with claims to the tour. Since we have no real feedback other then a couple of click,click photos one can wonder if your really on twitter at all. Now boys if your on twitter, using one of your new blackberry bolds should be the easy choice for you. Download twitterberry and BINGO we have real time from you to us. Need help ? Let us know here we would be glad to setup the whole process as a click and go. Of course on the downlow.  Now on with the news.

  • Rock band U2 donated 5 million euros ($7.12 million) towards an Irish program that teaches children to play a musical instrument or sing.The Music Network has been running on a pilot basis in Dublin and Donegal since 2004 and the U2 donation will help to expand nationally, the Irish Funds said.
  • "It’s likely more than a few trucks are needed to haul Bono’s ego. Mercifully, he kept his peace hunting to a minimum" WOW Douglas Lytle's review has lots of love for Bono, NOT.
  • The Edge has spoken of how he once came to blows with his best friend Bono - and punched him in the face. - Not new news however mainstream media thinks its worth reporting.
  • U2 are currently traipsing across the planet in what they describe as "probably the biggest concert ever created". The Irish superboobs launched their world so said "THE VINE" 

Well as you can see its a very lite news day for the boys. As we say in the business, its a travel day so leave us alone. - Shout outs to twitter followers, major thanks. Youtube video fan base is growing and of course our website just cleared some mile stones. Most of all thanks to you fans that make this all enjoyable. Oh thanks to our friends at HEADPHONES4LESS. If your looking for some cool gear why not drop them a visit they really gave us a BIG Kiss last week.

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