U have just started to become a fan of U2 and your trying to understand the hype around the band and the lyrics that seem to call upon you during those times that you need a friend. Many books, essays have been written about the group, their music and the impact on anything and everything.
The U2 Academic Conference happens to be coming up on October 2 -4 2009- Details below. Go spend a weekend in Durham, North Carolina, with your fellow man talking, listening and thinking about U2 and what they have done. Scholars, teachers, students, journalist, clergy, musicians and the curious descend upon Durham in hopes of understanding a little better the music, exploring the interwoven of the lyrics as they breath life. Truly a one of a kind conference. Now once your done with the lesson, guess what Raleigh is right down the road and you can catch the boys live. Remember if your flying around to see the shows. We have a special U2 Travel deal at the top of our page.
Here is a list of works to consider if your starting your exploring. Consider them as a list and not that we endorse, or imply that we support any view or particular work. Its all for your consideration. That's that. By the way if you have suggestions send them direct to research@U2conference.com.Remember to follow us via twitter @u2tourfans or visit our youtube.com channel u2tourfans as well as sign up for the auto updates. Last comment we are totally supported by our sponsors, so please show some love and visit them, at least once - Cheers
Bibliography last updated: 08.13.2009
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