U2 360 Tour 57 days, 16 hrs, 19 mins, 12 secs are you ready ?
We found this interesting article yesterday that suggested that is was” fashionable to dislike U2 since Bono showed up in an iPod commercial and skipped four through 13 in his Spanish counting lesson. (And I’m sure there are more than a few folks who hopped off the train at Zooropa, too)” Really ? Is that really how most people feel
Baseball has started around of the U.S. Sam Borden of The LoHud Yankees Blog reports that a massive U2 summer tour is going to make many teams take road trips this summer, most prominently the Red Sox, whose odd season-opening and season-closing series at Fenway against the Yankees owe something to the band.
That shouldn’t be a huge problem: U2 only plays concerts in baseball stadiums in Anaheim, Oakland, Toronto, Miami, and Philadelphia. But a U2 date apparently requires so much build-up and tear-down that there must be a 10-day window around the concerts, and that ripples out to the rest of baseball. Combine that with quirks like the Yankees homestanding in September while the Mets travel for the U.S. Open, and putting together a year’s schedule seems fairly difficult, even before considering the whims of television.
But on Opening Day (or Night?), is it really worth whining about the schedule? Baseball’s back. That’s enough to make it a beautiful day.