Istanbul was rocked U2

Sunday evening in Istanbul, an unsusal night for a live event. The boys gave an unforgettable concert. Approximately 50 thousand spectators filled the stadium, despite the rain. There was some word that the concert may be canceled due to rain, however no offical word had ever been suggested. The world’s biggest stage and rock band was ready to shake the ground.

Bono went on stage and making the victory sign. Rock fans filled the stadium when you see the enthusiasm of “Why we so late?”. There was a great audience. Beautiful Day U2 concert began with the track. The scene resembles a spider under her husband Bill and his team dominated the entire audience. Concerts throughout the audience, always stood. Approximately 50 thousand people filled the stadium.

In a few generations that followed was a concert. U2 came to Istanbul for the first time, sang the songs became classics. 

Bono had preferred to talk about the bridge. “This bridge is a bridge that combines religion and secularism, as a bridge between cultures. A bridge carrying the past into the future.” he said. Bonds outside the Edge, Adam Clayton and Larry Mullen’ın was a performance worth seeing. Experienced, rather than a concert was a splendid show. Her husband became smaller stadium, the scene covering the entire area seemed. Bonds, one to a spectator on the scene and danced with him. Later, Bono was invited on stage Zülfü Livaneli. Sang a track together. Livaneli, “U2’ya give a gift.” and he said ‘I Aslanım’ı Yigit said. Concerts, in Istanbul’s most glorious music event that was ever seen. As well as Bills fans were lucky. Because the rain had stopped early.

Did you know this ?

  • U2 fans from around noon to come to the Olympic Stadium began.
  • City had put additional buses, but long kuyuklar occurred in Taksim.
  • Due to Traffic Ataturk Olympic Stadium was not easy to get to the stadium.
  • 9:00 p.m. at the concert will begin approximately one hour delay announcements began.
  • U2 hit the stage when the stadium was half empty, but later in the minutes full.
  • Black Market items umbrellas and raincoats.
  • Pirates ready to record and sell U2 Concert DVD’s and Audio
  • Concert was the color, combo variety of different country flags were displayed.
  • ‘Prayer room’ because of Ramadan has seen a lot of interest.