Talenthouse has annouced their winners for the 20th anniversay reinvention of U2’s Achtung Baby album cover after launching Creative Invite. Designers, Photographers were asked to submit their interpreations of todays global environment in the form of photography or artwork.
Shaughn McGrath and Anton Corbijn have chosen the winners.
Talenthouse Design
Of the 15 winners, Jana Beier has been chosen to receive a custom designed, original Achtung Baby styled Trabant car.
Each of these 15 winners will have their submissions created into a collage and featured on U2.com, giving them global exposure. Their work will be promoted across U2′s social media channels and website. They will each receive a feature about their work, a copy of the final collage, a deluxe box set, and a digital camera.
Take a look at all the submissions and judge for yourself.