INGLEWOOD, CA - U2 arrived ! LA fans had a bit of a wait as crowds continued to pour in around the official start time. Fans around the world ripping up social media with comments about how LA fans never arrive on time and that the venue had a lot of empty seats due to possible resellers holding tickets. This is not uncommon for any show in or around the LA area. Most music fans go out late and stay out late. The city really does not get started before 9PM. U2's show does not have an opening act and no matter how many times you tell fans NO OPENING act arrive early on time, its going to happen that a few fans will arrive late.
Some of the Hollywood crowd was spotted the forum settled in for an evening of music just over two hours. We can expect to see Hollywood listers around the venue all week.
During sound check Electric Co was introduced as part of the nights possible tune to join the set list.
The band has been introducing songs to the fluid set list over the past few nights.
This arena tour fans will all agree that the sound is very tight, clear and crisp. The band is very on point.
Bono sounds even better. Opening the night with "The Miracle( of Joey Ramone) had fans on their feet, arms in the air leaving no doubt that U2 has come to play.
As we said a few set list changes. California made an appearance, City of Blinding Lights, Electric Co and Sweetest Thing. Bono's impersonator, Joseph Hier performed a couple of tunes ( U2 tribute band: Hollywood U2) The show ended with "One"
We have updated the city page to provide more images, videos and of course the set list. Download our new app for updates, chats and more news.