- Pay off everyones house on my block
- Pay parents homeowners taxes for ever.
- Set college funds for grad school for both kids
- Remodel my house
- Buy 3 cars, one for me, one for each kid.
- Setup foundation for Single Fathers, oh yea sure Single mothers too
- 10% to foundations that provide what I believe is value back to the public
- Build an endowment fund for latin kids.
- Clean beach fund
- Buy a large boat
Yea that leaves me with about 7.1 Billion left to spend. Any ideas? Did you get a chance to see all the earmarks in the bill? How about those arrows, really now thats unbelievable. Well today I was told this was a rescue plan for America. Ok start rescuing !
Ok, its Date night, no kids, some food maybe a movie and its amazing how single life takes a back seat to raising kids. So tonight I'm just a guy out with a girl having some fun. Hey we all need a break.