U2tober is for U2 Authors

October has been a music industry month. Releases from all your favorite bands have been scheduled for October. You have heard the term Rocktober. What’s so special about October.

U2 fans know that October has some special meaning. We thought we would celebrate October with a new selection. 

October will be U2 authors month. Yes if you have written a story about U2, U2 fans or about your experience and have a published book we want to share your work with U2 fans around the world.

Contact us this week September 26 - 28th to be selected. You will be offered a weekly or daily byline where you can share your work and gain some new found support for your work.

Currently we are interested in the written word, however we will consider photo collections, audio collections for the next phase of the project. We request all work to be submitted by the orginal writer. You will retain all rights to your book, story.

Don’t worry if you don’t have images, or web skills our crafty team will create everything for you. All you need to do is write. We look forward to reading your submissions and wish you all a very happy U2tober.  

Please send all submissions to our editor in chief directly.  We will do our best to contact every submission. However we will be contacting approved submissions first. Please submit all work during the week of September 26th -

Guidines: Submissions should be no more than 5000 englsh words or translated into english with the orginal lanaguage included.  All work needs to be provided by the orginal writter. 

Writters with a agent or part of a publishing house will need to have approval from their team prior to submissions. 

Indpendent writters can submit without publishing house or agent engagements. If you have questions please submit them.

This is not a contest, no prizes will  be awarded and all web content will be copy right retained by the author.