Before you run out and get tickets, wait for the offical annoucement. According to Saturday's The Sydney Morning Herald, Irish group U2 are coincidentally looking to rent four '$10,000 a night mansions' at the same time. A real estate insider said that finding large-scale properties to cater to their families and entourage is tricky, as 'there just isn't that many' on the market. Also reports from Triple M suggested that the tour will in fact happen later this year. However its all rumor at this point. Suggestions that tickets will go on sale Apirl 12th. Fans that are part of the should watch for information about pre sale soon. Again this is a RUMOR until posted. So what else can you expect. Well this is not a JT or E&I Tour - this is a totatly new branded show just for fans downunder. No plans for 2020 tour date have been plannned or suggested.
Meatime we are checking our sources, serveral blogs have been posting updates to the rumor we strongly adivse that you do not make any plans until you see the offical annoucement posted via