U2 / U2TOURFANS / Mark Peterson @2016
New York: Back at the studio the boys have been working something fresh, experimental and some may say it feels like Zooropa. Songs of Experience, their fourteenth studio album.
Bono and the boys are just having fun creating music that will embrace their roots and pull along those new fans and bring them into the fold. U2 has had their challenges during the last tour.
One would think that may come into play with the new music. So the question most of you want to know. When will U2 hit the road again ? Well sources suggest that we should see the boys around the world in 2017 ! Yup that's the noise in the system right now. We tend not to support or agree with the noise however knowing that the marketing machines and the venue routing information would normally kick into gear right about now for a summer tour. 2016 looks likely not be in scope.