Biden meets Bono at White House

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House says Vice President Joe Biden has met with Bono to discuss global development, AIDS and efforts to fight poverty.

The singer and activist has been a leading advocate for Africa, drawing attention to issues ranging from poverty and hunger to AIDS.

Spokesman Jay Carney joked that Bono and Jim Messina — President Barack Obama’s campaign manager — were forming a new band. Messina also visited the White House on Tuesday. Carney says Obama did not meet with Bono

Bono receives the Order of the Aztec Eagle

Order of the Aztec Eagle

Order of the Aztec Eagle

President Felipe Calderon may deliver the medal to the Irish star during his visit to New York next week for the United Nations General Assembly, Foreign Minister Patricia Espinosa told reporters on Friday. But she noted that the singer has not yet confirmed the exact date for the medal ceremony, due to prior commitments. Espinosa said she spoke to Bono, who founded the global anti-poverty group ONE to help fight poverty and disease in Africa, to inform him of the decision. “He said that he feels very honored and very pleased with this decision, and that Mexico is a country that he loves and admires,” she said. Calderon, who leaves office on Dec. 1, met with Bono at the presidential residence of Los Pinos last year to thank the singer for expressing solidarity with Mexico over the country's drug violence during a concert in the capital. “Mexico needs to know you are not alone and we are with you ... you are not alone in the darkness,” Bono told 93,000 fans at the Azteca stadium.

I thought today would be a great day to bring back a song that really sets the tone for yesterday, today and tomorrow only if we agree to act upon it and return to mankind the respect that each of them deserve. I was only 11 years old when I first had a chance to read the speech by Dr King to my class. It was powerful and moving at that age and today its inspiring.

U2's One Video

As I was thinking about what to throw out today I was remembering the One video. This next administration seems to grab the concept of "we carry each other" Think about the way we are today and the future of what President Elect Obama has started to say. While the video is about taking a care of someone that is not the same as you, via color, race and does not think like you. President Elect has taken us back to a time when we did turn around to see where our brother stands. I think we are all heading in the right direction.

"One life
But we're not the same
We get to carry each other
Carry each other"

What should be the focus of 2009

I have been thinking for a couple of weeks what could be the focus for 2009. As most of you have seen the site has been updated, Yes we do have a couple of sponsors and we do welcome them all. Now the question comes what should we be talking about.

Should I talk about how I wish I was getting a bailout or the fact that Bush is soon to be out of office.

Or how about this who is this Madoff guy? He really scammed some people and most likely will walk away from it all.
Lots of conversation around the issues that maybe important to you or someone you know. Really I am not just going to talk about sex, drugs and rock and roll. Lets face it that would be a limited conversation. I am thinking that its time to focus on something different. I am going to write about the issues that I am interested in. I welcome your feedback or suggestions.